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Certificate III in Track Protection (TLI32721)



This is a general qualification for a person engaged in the rail infrastructure
environment who performs tasks involving track protection in a variety of
contexts. It may involve application of some discretion and judgement in
selecting equipment, services or contingency measures. It may also include
responsibility for coordinating the work of others. The entry requirement for
this qualification is TLI21921 Certificate II in Track Protection or relevant
industry experience gained by working in the rail infrastructure environment
providing track protection services.

Job roles and titles vary across sectors. A possible job title relevant to this
qualification includes:

  • Track protection officer

This course contains 6 core units of competency that all students need to
undertake, they are:

  • TLIE2029 Conduct workplace information briefings
  • TLIF0008 Apply safety critical communications in the rail environment
  • TLIF0023 Conduct track protection assessment
  • TLIF3003 Implement and monitor work health and safety procedures
  • TLIJ0003 Apply quality systems
  • TLIL0010 Implement a track occupancy authority

Following the core units, you need to complete 3 specialist electives:

  • TLIL3083 Implement a track work authority and manage rail traffic through
  • TLIL3084 Implement a local possession authority
  • TLIW3026 Operate stand-alone signalling/point control equipment

To complete the qualification you need to complete 2 general

  • TLIF3058 Apply safe working rules and regulations to rail functions
  • TLIW2037 Clip and secure points

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this course at
the time of publication.

How much does it cost?

Please contact us

How long does it take?

This course will take you 240 hours to complete including on the job experience.

Upcoming Courses

Please call us on 1300 698 158 to discuss the availability of this course.
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