Want to learn more about our upcoming courses? Why not get in touch and call us on 1300 698 158


Apply Track Fundamentals (TLIB2085)

This course involves the skills and knowledge required to apply fundamentals of track maintenance and construction, and to carry out basic track measurement,

Traffic Management – Victoria

This is a general certification for a person working in an operational or supervisory role, who needs to conduct traffic management tasks.

ARTC NSW Hand Signaller – Level 1 & 2

These training courses are designed for persons seeking to gain certification as a Level 1 or 2 Handsignaller. Training and assessment for each course is provided over approximately 1-3 days. You must have completed the…

Ultrasonic Testing course

This course involves testing plain rail and field welds using ultrasonic equipment in accordance with rail industry standards, safeworking and regulatory requirements, and workplace procedures.

Rail Bound Plant Operator – National

This course consists of 5 units that will enable you to operate road/rail vehicles on track in accordance with safeworking and regulatory requirements, and workplace…

ARTC NSW Protection Officer – Levels 1 to 4

These training courses are designed for persons seeking to gain certification as a Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 Protection Officer respectively. Training and assessment for each course is provided over approximately 1-3 days. You must have…

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